Our Quality Statement
The staff of Direct Endoscopy are committed to:
Planned outcomes
- Providing the best available care to our patients,
- Working in partnership with our consumers to provide the best available service,
- Providing the best available service to our doctors,
- Provide a competitive, affordable and safe health care service to our community,
- Providing a dynamic environment that assists all staff to be their best.
We are committed to continuously complying with our Management System which is based on National Standards, the international standard for Quality Management and the Australian NSQHS Standards.
We are also committed to continuously improving by lifelong learning, learning from our errors and also learning from others: best practice keeps on changing, and we need to learn and improve what we do in our daily practice.
The processes for planning and change are transparent and affect all team members, whose role and practice are valued contributions to the organisation’s success.
It is critical that all team members:
- Are educated to the requirements of our management systems
- Value the process to identify, report, record problems, incidents, complaints and areas requiring improvements
- Comply with the intent and the content of our management system
- Feel comfortable to seek advice if unsure of any policy or procedure.
By doing so we will achieve the outcomes identified above.
Please contact me or my office if you have any questions or comments on this policy or its implementation.
Lena Benett
with support from the Board of Management
January 2018
National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards
Clinical Governance
Partnering with Consumers
Preventing and Controlling Healthcare Associated Infection
Medication Safety
Comprehensive Care
Communicating for Safety
Blood Management
Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration
Quality Management Program
Direct Endoscopy is dedicated and committed to incorporating quality management and improvement into the operation of its Hospitals to ensure a culture of continuous monitoring and improvement in the quality of service and care is achieved, with the primary goals of patient and staff safety and achieving patient centred care. Direct Endoscopy encourages a proactive approach to quality management.
Each Direct Endoscopy facility has a comprehensive Quality Management Program based around the following key activities:
- Development, implementation and evaluation of an annual quality management plan specifically designed for the Hospital.
- Development and periodic review of policies and procedures consistent with the size and operation of the Hospital, ensuring compliance with relevant legal and regulatory obligations.
- Collection, auditing, monitoring, measurement and analysis of relevant data, including data required to be submitted to health departments and other regulatory agencies.
- Establishment of reporting mechanisms to provide follow up and feedback to appropriate and relevant personnel/committees.
- Establishment of mechanisms to ensure that patient requirements, feedback and satisfaction are identified and understood, with the objective of partnering with patients and achieving patient centred care in order to meet, and where possible exceed, patient expectations.
- Complaint management, internally and with external regulatory agencies.
- Continual review of mechanisms and processes involved with quality activities and implementing improvements, undertaking preventative and corrective action where required.
Our 2022-2023 Clinical Indicator Data
Our 2022-2023 Clinical Indicator Data can be found here.
We have referenced our data against the National standards and Direct Endoscopy has excelled in comparison, please click here to find the Australasian Clinical Indicator Report (23rd Edition) 2014-2021.
If you would like to provide any feedback or commentaries on this data, we welcome you to contact us via email to admin@directendoscopy.com.au
If you would like to review our 2021- 2022 Clinical Indicator Data, please click here.
Colonoscopy Care Standard
Direct Endoscopy meets the Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard as set out by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, which can be found here.
Hand Hygiene Data
The ‘5 moments of hand hygiene’ are employed at all Direct Endoscopy Hospitals in accordance with Hand Hygiene Australia i.e. before touching a patient; before a procedure; after a procedure; after touching a patient and after touching a patient’s environment. It is mandatory that all Direct Endoscopy Staff complete the online Hand Hygiene learning module annually. Mandatory competencies are also available for all clinical staff to complete with completion of these competencies monitored by our Quality Management Systems.
Our August 2022- July 2023 Data:
National Audit One 2023
Top Tips for Safe Health Care
Please click to view top tips for safe health care here