Endoscopy Appointments
At Direct Endoscopy, ensuring your time with us is as pleasant as possible is of the utmost importance. Our professional staff will make every effort to assist you with making appointments, attending consultations and undergoing procedures. We encourage you to take part in your plan of care.
Important Information for Endoscopy Appointments
If you are making an appointment with Direct Endoscopy or attending the clinic, please take note of the following information:
Referral from GP Required
All patients attending Direct Endoscopy require a referral from a general practitioner. Please follow this procedure:
Step 1. Print Referral Form & take it to your Doctor
Step 2. Call us on 9781 5959 to make an appointment
Step 3. Read Procedure Preparation instructions
Step 4. Fill out your Pre-admission Assessment
> Download Doctor’s Referral Form
Bring Public or Private Insurance Details
When visiting Direct Endoscopy, bring your Medicare card, and private health insurance and pensioner/health care card if applicable, along with a list of your medications and your reading glasses if needed.
Wear Light Clothing
For your comfort, please wear light, casual clothing and remove any make-up and nail polish.
Leave Valuables at Home
For your comfort and peace of mind, do not bring valuables such as jewellery with you.
If attending Direct Endoscopy for a procedure such as Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy or Capsule Endoscopy, please click on the links below and carefully read the preparation information.
Appointment Locations
To make an appointment with Direct Endoscopy please contact us on 03 9781 5959 or click here to find your closest Direct Endoscopy Centre location.
Cancellation Policy
Please note that we require two full business days notice to be eligible for a refund of your procedure. There will be a cancellation fee for appointments cancelled or not attended with less than two full business days notice.