Fructose Intolerance Testing Melbourne
A Fructose Intolerance Test shows how you digest certain carbohydrates or sugars, e.g. lactose or fruit sugar, called ‘fructose’. The test analyses your breath at intervals as you exhale and measures the quantity and pattern of the hydrogen produced. This shows if you have difficulty absorbing fructose. Any unabsorbed amount passes into your large intestine and causes diarrhoea, gas, flatulence or stomach pain.
What is fructose exactly?
A naturally occurring sugar found in honey, vegetables, fruits and grains, fructose is a single molecular sugar which many people struggle to absorb effectively. This poorly absorbed small carbohydrate is part of FODMAPs – FODMAPs being an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. Other poorly absorbed sugars in FODMAPs are lactose, sorbital, fructans and mannitol.
Fructose and Lactose Intolerance
In approximately 20-30% of individuals, fructose intolerance co-exists with lactose intolerance. You can manage these conditions through a dietetic assessment and specific advice from a reputable health professional.
Tests are similar to those used for lactose intolerance, which both involve procedures using Hydrogen Breath Testing (HBT). The hydrogen produced in our bodies after the bacteria have fermented the poorly absorbed fructose can be detected on a patient’s breath, which makes this an effective and accurate way to measure intolerance. Patients are given a small dose of fructose before the test and their breath tested at intervals to monitor any increase in hydrogen levels.
Are You At Risk?
If you need our services for a fructose intolerance test just follow these easy steps:
Step 1. Make an appointment by calling 9781 5959
Step 2. Print out the Referral Form to take you your own doctor
Step 3. Click on the link to read the Appointments section
Only $76 per Test with Medicare Rebate
At Direct Endoscopy we have a broad range of diagnostic services and we are pleased to offer a variety of hydrogen breath tests for the investigation of intolerance to dietary components, like fructose and lactose.
Are You At Fructose Intolerant?
The symptoms of fructose intolerance are digestive and can appear due to the malabsorption of sugars, and the resultant production of excessive amounts of gas in the large bowel.
These symptoms can include:
- nausea
- stomach rumbling
- bloating
- wind/burping
- stomach cramps
- flatulence (farting)
- loose stools
When they’ve eaten fructose-containing foods that they’re unable to digest, some people also report other symptoms.
These examples include:
- fatigue
- headache
- dizziness
- restlessness or irritability
- cold or heat sensations/tingling
If you’re experiencing a range of these symptoms, we recommend booking a test at Direct Endoscopy today.
Direct endoscopy has provided excellent specialist treatment and endoscopy services for more than 20 years. With three Day Hospitals in Melbourne, Direct Endoscopy is today one of the largest suppliers in Victoria. The specialist gastroenterologist team is committed to the highest quality skill and expertise. Our Specialist consultations are available in all areas of Liver Diseases and Digestive post-endoscopic follow-up.
Call Direct Endoscopy to book a test today. Our friendly staff can help you on 9781 5959
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is fructose intolerance?
How do I test for fructose intolerance?
Before your hydrogen breath test, you’ll be given a small dose of fructose and then tested for levels of hydrogen in your breath.
What are the symptoms of fructose intolerance?
This happens because when fructose is unable to be absorbed (into the walls of the small intestine) it instead travels down to the large intestine where it ferments and releases gases. This in turn, causes symptoms similar to those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – i.e. bloating, abdominal pain, excessive gas, diarrhoea, and constipation.
What should I not eat if I have fructose intolerance?
Avoid high fructose foods including:
- High fructose fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, watermelon and more.
- Fruit juices and sodas
- Honey
- Syrups and other sugars like molasses, coconut sugar, agave syrup, etc.
- High fructose vegetables such as peas, corn, asparagus, zucchini, etc.
For packaged foods or meals, you should always check the ingredients to ensure that it does not have a high percentage of fructose.
How common is fructose intolerance?
FODMAP is an abbreviation for groups of molecules found in food that many people cannot properly absorb or digest. These include
- Fermentables
- Oligosaccharides (e.g. fructans)
- Disaccharides (e.g. lactose)
- Monosaccharides (e.g. fructose)
- Polyols (e.g. xylitol)
There are FODMAP diets designed for those suffering from fructose intolerance as well as a range of other food intolerances.